February 28, 2008

Your Mom or Your CEO

I found another pretty interesting article on an opinion poll (not a scientific study with paradigms, SPSS, and Comm 201 learnings) on whether your mom would do a better job than your CEO. The results of the poll are note worthy. Perhaps we would have more ethical companies if moms were running the show. If you would like, please take a look (again it is pretty short), and leave your comments. Thanks!


1 comment:

classblogger said...

This is a really good question to pose by the interviews that I would have never thought of asking. I think the results show a great point. When hiring, women need to start taking some of the higher up positions at work. The stats have shown that men are still mostly on top in big corporations. This shows that women could have more respect at work just because people can relate to them like their mothers. And I know that there isn't supposed to be any biases in hiring, but there are... You don't see that many mothers at the top.