January 24, 2008

Mind of a Man: Bridging Our Differences

Read the article "Mind of a Man" by Melvin Konner (posted on Blackboard). What kind of argument is Konner making about the development of gender? Do you agree with his assessment of the sources of communication differences between the sexes? Why or why not?

p.s. I will try to figure out a way to post PDFs so you don't have to cross over to Blackboard.

1 comment:

Sarah R said...

I do agree with the majority of what Konner said pertaining to the difference between men and women's emotional behavior. However, letting men "off the hook" so to speak regarding sharing their emotions is a bit hard to swallow. He made it seem as though it's simply a biological fact that men are allowed to be emotionally detached. While I'm not saying that all men should cry and take baths I do believe that there can exist an environment where men are free to share their feelings if they so desire.

Konner's argument was based solely upon the biological differences between men and women. I think the nurture aspect has a lot to do with this phenomena also. Young boys are taught to be tough and not to cry or show emotion.

Men may not always share their feelings but there are men that are willing to talk about emotional issues. Perhaps because it is in the company of a female but it's hard to say. In the media jokes are made about men sharing their feelings with each other so it's no wonder that they wouldn't speak up even if they wanted to.

Biology definitely plays a large part in the difference between men and women...if a man acted like a woman would the woman still be attracted? I doubt it. That is why we are biologically different. I think how a man was raised and the social norms also make a large contribution to his willingness to share his emotions. These things shouldn't be shoved under the rug.

Finally, in my own personal experience I've found that men are capable and willing to share their emotions given a safe environment and the right circumstance. Most men wouldn't admit to watching a "girlie" show on tv but I know men that watch it with their girlfriends and actually enjoy it...while pretending that they don't. I believe relationships do take a lot of work and sometimes this includes *gasp!* talking about feelings. It's not always necessary but it's made my relationship stronger because we both know where we stand.