April 01, 2008

Dressing Room Chit Chat

So I was at Von Maur trying on dresses for a formal and there happened to be a lot of high schoolers and their moms in the dressing room as well trying to choose prom dresses. They were talking pretty loudly and with the dressing rooms wide open I was able to hear their conversations. The more I listened to them, the ridiculous I kept thinking they sounded. It was a constant talk about how "I hate the way my body looks in this dress", "my hips are way too big", "I wish that I had a smaller chest", etc. Being someone who has had numerous conversations including comments like this, as well as many others girls I am sure, I was just wondering if guys ever express the same dislike for their bodies. I know they probably don't do it in the same fashion as girls but I feel like I never hear about guys publically disliking their bodies. Please enlighten me guys...


Jellyphish said...

All I can think of is towards the end of the movie Superbad when "Seth" is trying on jeans in the mall. haha He keeps asking "Evan" if his butt and crotch look good in the jeans. He then starts modeling them using different situations like "Hey prof!" or "Hey, Molly, what are you doing tonight?" This is obviously just a scene for the movie, but it did really poke fun at and highlight the stereotype of women shopping. So how do guys really shop? All I know is that my boyfriend grabs a pair of jeans in his size, buys them, takes them home and puts them on.

ThursNiteSoundtrack said...

In my experience with guys, I have found them to be equally as insecure with their bodies as women. It is just a difference in where their insecurities lie. For women, it seems, they want a slender body, with long legs, and a perfect chest size. Men on the other hand seem to be much more concerned with their muscles. They are concerned with the size of their arms and the broadness of their shoulders. They want the six-pact abs and defined calves. Men may not be as concerned with what they are wearing as women are. However, I bet they are just as aware of their physical imperfections.

Ashley said...

It seems like it is getting more and more common for guys to care more about their appearance. I know guys who care a great deal about their bodies, some even more than women.

jenna said...

i definitely think that guys care about their bodies just as much as women do. I did a research project on eat disorders and it was amazing to me how many guys suffer from them too. I think that guys care just as much, but it is just not voiced. It is not really acceptable in our society for a guy to complain about his figure...although he is probably thinking it as he walks by the mirror!