April 28, 2008

Miley Cyrus Controversy

So as I'm sure all of you have already seen, Miley Cyrus was all over today's headlines due to her bare back picture in the current Vanity Fair magazine.  I'm anxious to hear everyone's opinion over the issue.  As we've learned in the past week, women portrayed in the media have become even more sexual for younger audience based magazines.  While Miley is 15 years old, posing with nothing more than a sheet covering her body, what does this send to 15 year old females who idolize Miley?  

Even though Miley is now apologizing for her actions, how seriously do we as an audience take this apology?  Does anyone think her fans will change their minds on looking upon her as an idol?  

I also found it interesting that both of her parents were with her during the photo shoot.  Her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, is even seen in a photo along with her.  I want to ask where their heads were during the decision to pose the way that she did.  I personally think it's terrible to see such a young, talented performer begin an image that is so sexual.  Why does it appear that young females in Hollywood feel the need to grow up too fast?  


AnnonymousCommBlogger380 said...

I think that this is bad that performers and others that are often in the spotlight do whatever they feel like. While I do think that people should be able to do as they please, you should think about your actions more when you are in a position that is often a role model for young kids.

As for the apology I find that most of the Hollywood apologies are a joke. The performer will apologize for something that they have done and then often repeat the action. It basically turns into you can do whatever you want as long as you apologize afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I think a lot depends on what happens from here on out. In one interview it was said that this is her next step in gaining new fans as she will have "outgrown" the current fan base in about three years. Sad that in Hollywood it seems there is such a short life span(or career) based on someone's age, especially when they can't even drive yet.
I also wonder what her parents were thinking, were they so enamored that Annie Leibovitz was taking the pictures that they didn't pay attention to the content??? But on the other hand she is writing her "memoirs" at fifteen, please.
Okay say let me play devil's advocate here, what parent lets their twelve year old child read Vanity Fair?? Would we be having the same uproar if this were a teen male that had some pictures taken, that were going to be in a magazine along the lines of Vanity Fair??? Is there a double standard??

frosticles said...

Well, I think we all have a platform that we stand on; by that I mean we all hold some position where people look up to us... be it siblings, peers, co-workers, mentorees, etc. It's very easy, because of the glaring spotlight, to jump all over the more obvious, poor decisions of our celebrities.

It's not that I agree, but I would also argue that we ALL make very poor choices at times without giving a second thought to those who are watching and looking up to us.

In addition, who is it exactly that's giving these top celebrities their platform and all of the attention? It's us... if our society showed a little more sense in how we shower our affections and interest then perhaps we'd see more appropriate behavior (i.e. if we didn't tune in and closely follow Paris and all of her rediculousness then perhaps she'd stop seeking all of the attention and if she didn't, then maybe we could find a more appropriate role model to shower our love and attention on).

So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

I personally blame her parents more than her for the photo. As a young teenager, Miley doesn't fully have the reasoning/decision making skills necessary to think about the results of her actions. Its a new found "power" of teens and pre-teens. There is a maturity process that needs to develop more before I can completely blame a young individual. I do agree with annonymouscommblogger380 that most Hollywood apologies are a joke. It shows that because an individual has a lot of money, they basically can do anything as long as they apologize and do something good with their money then its ok.

UNLstudent said...

I think that Miley acts a lot older than she should for her age. If I didn't know any better I would think that she was at least 17 years old. I think there is a big difference between being 15 and 17 years of age. I haven't seen this photo of her yet but it sounds like it is indefinitely an issue! I feel like child stars look to their parents for the answers and if her parents were at the set supporting the photo shoot, then that gives her the message that what she is doing is right. I think parents of child stars need to really watch what they allow them to do.

sixxam said...

I agree with unlstudent. I didn't know much about Miley besides the fact that she was Billy Ray's daughter and that she was Hannah Montana. I just saw the add in Vanity Fair as a way of appealing to people of Miley's age group. Then I found out that she was only 15! Are you kidding me? That was a shocker. From looking at those photos, I guess she was about 19 or 20! I have a cousin who is 16 years old and Miley looks MUCH older than her.
I think Hollywoodd does put the "rush" on young actors/actresses to grow up, which is sad. But, because Miley is so young, I've got to wonder what the hell her parents were thinking. If I was Miley and was asked to pose like that for a magazine in such little clothing, my dad would not have it.
I agree with some other comments made that apologies in Hollywood seem to make everything okay, which I think is a big joke. They've got to realize that their every move is being noted, not only by the media, but by those who look up to them.
I don't know what this will do for Miley. Either her younger fan base (or their parents) will disown her or she'll get an entirely new fan base for her emerging sex appeal. By any means, I think the young and innocent Miley will never been seen in the same way, apology or not.

blockrockinbeats said...

Too many young girls look up to Miley Cyrus and I am really disappointed she would take this type of picture. She looks very non-threatening and innocent while naked under bed sheets. This portrays the token roles of the kid and the sex object we talked about in class, all in one. She also looks as though she's sick and been abused somehow. What's wrong with this? Calling all petafile's here's your picture perfect.

It is completely inappropriate for a girl to be portrayed as a sex object especially for the world to see in a popular magazine. Her parents are out of their minds for letting this happen.

shooting star said...

I was shocked when I saw this headline yesterday. In the original post it was stated about how other 15 year old girls respond to this images. But it is even younger than 15 years old. My niece who is 8 is a HUGE fan, and watches all her shows. I think that of all young stars this surprised me the most, because it seems that her family was concerned with protecting her and having a wholesome image. This is a great example of how young girls in this industry are pushed to expose more and more. I occasionally watch the show Hogan Knows Best. On this show Hulk Hogan is seen as a very protective father, even putting a tracking device on the car his daughter took on a date. Hogan holds the "little girl" image about his daughter in his head. Just as all other young artist Brooke, Hogan's daughter ended up posing for her new album scantly clothed. This just shows that no matter how protective the parents are popularity and money over rule morals.
I think that this is problematic for the images younger generations are viewing. Not only does it show how young girls should act, but shows young boys how girls should look and behave.

jenna said...

I saw the picture and I do think that it is ridiculous for a 15 year old to be posing like that, but it was of no surprise to me. So many of the young stars come out with this clean "good girl image" but 9 times out of 10 after a year in the spot light that image is gone. I don't think it is good for a role model to so many young girls in this country to be posing like that, but Miley apologized and I think this will all blow over in a week ....but I think in a year or two a picture like that from Miley will be considered "conservative" because in this society those type of pictures are way too acceptable.

jasmine said...

This is exactly like what we were talking about in our class discussion about magazines. I think young artists like Miley Cyrus are just as caught up in the need to be over sexualized as the girls who are reading their magazines. I think that in a way Miley was trying to portray herself as an artist and at the same time trying to compete with the artists that are her competition. For example, she is on the radio with other artists that are much older than her, and much trashier than her. Mariah Carey and Britney's new singles are what is playing on the radio with Miley's Songs. I almost wonder if she went too far at such a young age. Because of the industry and what her competition is doing she must feel pressured to be another oversexualized woman in the media. the only problem is that she is not a woman. She is still a girl. I think this is rediculous because we don't see other young artists like the Jonas brothers having to pose in a magazine partially nude. It is terrible to think that in order for women to make it in the business they have to know all and bare all.

Princess said...

I'll admitt it...I had a huge crush on Billy Ray Cyrus when I was younger! But now, I have lost a lot of respect for that man and his daughter. I can't believe these photos were taken!!!

Millions of Hannah Montana fans idolize Miley. Now, seeing her in these highly sexualized photos, is either going to do one of two things. It is going to make fans upset, or it will encourage them that sexuality at 15 is natural, normal, and the thing to do. My guess is that the second will happen.

The young girls today are already too sexualized (in my opinion) already! Now, adding celebrities doing it as well, probably justifies sexuality as okay in these young girls' minds! And it is not okay!!!!

Though Miley is apologizing, I don't know if it is sincere or not. I think she was wanting to be viewed as growing up and not a child star anymore...and this was her way of going about it...which is extremely sad.

Blogger372 said...

1. I think th her apology is too little too late, she has alread tainted her Disney good girl image. At 15 years of age, I think her parents or guardians at the photo shoot should have recognizzed the inapporpriate nature of the photo and stopped it there before it ever reached the news stands. This sends a message to little girls that sexy at 15 is appropriate and even required.

2. I am slightly horrified that many media analysts are writing off these photos as necessary for Cyrus to make the jump from child starlet to full fledged sexy adult star. It suggests that young girls should find it necessary to be sexy in order to be taken seriously and respected.

3. I think people are not paying enough attention to the fact that Cyrus's backbone in the picture is entirely visible. Yes, she's only fifteen but are fifteen year old girls really supposed ot be THAT thin. Even if she is that skinny I don't think it should have been highlighted in that manner because it sends the message to young girls who aren't that thin that to be attractive you must be scary skinny.

4. I think the image of Miley and her dad is equally disturbing. Miley's hip is fully visible with her dad's hand near the exposed hip. I think this somewhat plays into pedophilia and that imagery of showing women as childlike and yet sexual objects.

Overall, I think Miley and her parents made a big mistae and yet played into popular media by exposing these photos.

ThursNiteSoundtrack said...

I think it is a sad situation when a 15 year girl feels like she must pose in such adult ways to gain attention and support. Arguably, a 15 year girl does not even belong in Vanity Fair to begin with. Both her and her fans are much too young to be reading that media source. I think little girls should be allowed to look up to Miley and read about her in more age appropriate magazines… like the Disney magazine.

I think Miley’s parents should definitely be questioned about why they allowed their 15 year old daughter to pose in such ways. I do not think it is in the best interest of their young child to be posing with only a sheet covering her body. The parents have to realize that those photos are going to only attract perverts. How can they claim to be protecting their child when they are encouraging her to become a sexual object of lust. That’s really concerning and extremely sad. I think we have seen too many young stars fall apart because their parents aren’t involved enough, helping them to make better choices.

As for the apology. Please. I agree that the apologies are meaningless. It seems fairly apparent that when Hollywood screws up they utter some phony apology statement and move on like it’s no big deal. But I guess as long as people still tune in and/or read up on the stars… the joke is on us.

sally sue said...

Personally I do hope that she loses some of her fan base due to her and her parents poor decision making. I know if I had a young daughter and she knew about this issue going on with Miley I probably wouldn't let her idolize her anymore. Why is it that EVERYTHING is so sexualized today? I feel that girls that do these things at such young ages are doomed later in life. Case and point..Britney Spears!

baseball1 said...

I agree that this was a poor decision on her part and she is too young to appear topless in Vanity Fair. I also wonder what Bily Ray Cyrus was thinking. Why did he allow her to do that? However, I also understand that there is an enomorous amount of pressure on young girls in Hollywood as any girl to look and be sexy. This is something we have talked about all semester. Like in Dreamworlds, sex sells and is portrayed everywhere, the bad thing is that it has starte at a much younger age.

The Man said...

The majority of the Disney female child stars have been in trouble lately with the media. Britney Spears, Lindsy Lohan, and now 15-year-old Miley Cyrus. I think that the pressures of the media have put a lot of stress on these individuals and have almost turned them into "bad girls." It's definitely not acceptable for a 15-year-old girl or any 15-year-old to pose basically nude for a magazine due to pressures of being an icon for many people.