I was reading the newspaper online and came accross this article about Mother's Day. It kind of made me laugh because who is to say that my mom would want doughnuts for a gift. It made me realize how horrible the gendered stereotypes are that go along with Mother's Day and Father's Day and their traditions. Why is it that mom's receive flowers and dad's receive golf clubs? Why is it that on Mother's day is one of the busiest restaurant days of the year. In order to prevent mothers from cooking, as they normally do, the families take moms out to brunch or dinner. All of these ideas are flowing through my mind and I am wondering why in 2008 the mother is still the chef in the house. Why do men get to go on fishing trips and go golfing on Father's Day while mom's just get doughnuts and flowers. I think the stereotypes are endless when it comes to this subject. I think Mother's day and Fathers' Day should be a day where we appreciate our parents, in equal ways. Perhaps instead of just buying our mom flowers we should take her on a weekend trip, or perhaps our father would like homemade doughnuts too! I think our world has a lot of improvement to do. In the mean time I think I will try even harder this year to do something special for my mom that doesn't just look pretty and feminine or taste sweet (because of course that is all women want is sugar and flowers).
In my research paper for this class, I discussed the fact that baby greeting cards for new parents are inherently gendered. But, I think that topic can relate in this instance too, because not only are the activities for each fo these holidays gendered, but they da is gendered even down to the greeting cards we give to our parents on these days. Heaven forbid you give your dad a Happy Father's Day card with pink or flowers!!!
Our feminine and masculine typical attributes are so ingrained in us from the time that we are born, that it lasts throughout our lifetime. However, I'm proud of my parents for breaking the gender norm. My dad recently retired and my mom is still working. Therefore it's my dad who cleans our house takes of our dogs, has dinner read for my mom when she comes home, and runs all of the errands. I hope in the future it won't be about what men and women should do, but what makes a relationship work. Just liek my parents.
I never sat and thought about how true this issue is. We have always had the routine of taking my mother out for dinner on Mother's Day while my father has a day set aside for golfing to celebrate Father's Day. I think our society has a big influence on this issue as well. Our society has placed these traditions in our actions that most individuals have just came to obey. I don't know if anyone else would agree with this but Father's Day doesn't seem to be highly publicized by the media as much as Mother's Day is. We have billboards all over Lincoln with the word "Mom" printed on it with the "o" representing a ring. Or lingerie commercials telling husbands to get their wives something they'll really be happy to receive on Mother's Day. What do we hear about Father's Day? I don't recall ever hearing much advertised for it...can you? As mentioned, why not show our gratitude towards our parents in a similar way and make the occasions more equal for both parents? Also, can anyone think of reason why the media would advertise more for Mother's Day rather than Father's Day? Is it a gender role for females to be pampered and have nice things bought for them, and is it a gender role for men to define their masculinity by have their own "downtime" on their day of thanks?
I've never really thought about Mother's Day or Father's Day too often. I see it as a day of appreciation for the parents I know and love. Traditionally, on Monther's Day, we usually cook for mom or take her out to eat. Or, my sister and I will take her shopping. It's what she likes to do. She cooks all the time (because my dad cannot, at all) and she appreciates the break. She also doesn't get away from town too often, so going shopping is a treat for her as well. Traditionally, for Father's Day, we'll go golfing or to the lake. It's what he likes to do.
I do think the holidays are gendered, but I like it that way. Our society is gendered in such a way that moms get cards with pink flowers on them, not dads. Personally, I like it that way. I do not see the gendered nature of these two holidays a problem at all.
Wow. How true that is. There are so many similar days like this that reflect "stereotypes" our world holds. The reason we don't realize how gendered this is, is because it is SO normal! It was taught to us when we were young and therefore it is hard to catch now that we are taught to pay caution to it. I am a girl and I personally hate pink, but heaven forbid I ever find a card or something associated with women that is not pink! That is just a silly example among many that I have.
It does seem very gendered the way we choose presents for our parents doesn't it.
I don't know if this issue is stereo typed as much as an issue that is embedded in our culture. It is something we are familiar with and something that we are comfortable with. Besides, I don't know any woman who don't love flowers and being taken out for dinner. It is very typical for mothers and I think it works. There are some gendered things that should remain the same.
This is a tough one. I think that companies diffinitely bank on sterotypes around the holidays. Look at all of the jewelry and flower advertisments everywhere. My opinion though, is that people should know there mothers. Maybe your mom does want flowers and donuts and to spend the day with her family. If your mom wants a day to golf, get her that. I think that holidays are sterotyped by gender in the media, but it's personally your decision what you make of a holiday.
That is pretty interesting to think about. In my family we usually do the same for both of my parents, however I know a lot of familes do different things. We always go out to lunch as a family. Each of them gets a present. My mom does usually get some kind of flowers or a new plant for the yard. My dad usually gets some kind of cooking tool. Then we spend the day together. If it's nice we go swimming. That is something that they both enjoy.
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