May 01, 2008

How does Leadership pertain to Communication?

The article “Workplace Communication” by Kinnick and Parton, also contended that leadership is a communication process because it seeks to strengthen human relationships by increasing trust and understanding. The top communication skills included: interpersonal skills, basic communication including speaking and listening. Interpersonal communication skills are defined as the ability to work in teams, teach others, negotiate and work well with others from culturally diverse backgrounds (Luthans, 2008.) Both of these sources are used throughout the professional culture to define and adapt leadership definitions to their specific organization. Other important leadership skills included: social nearness, knowledge or professional experience, friendliness, group task supportiveness, cohesion, emotional balance and control, nuturant behavior and verbal fluency (Kinnick & Parton, 2005.) Although a position as a manager gives the authority to accomplish certain tasks in the organization, this power doesn’t make a simply makes you the boss” (Luthans, 2008.) This quote represents the foundation of leadership, although the position can be handed out the individuals will need to believe and be motivated in order to accomplish anything.


nebhusker said...

I agree with this statement that leadership does involve certain communication skills in MOST cases. I have also witnessed silent leaders who lead by gaining respect and serving others. In that case it would be the nonverbal communication that earned the individual the leadership role. As the bible says, "the greatest leader is the greatest servant."

So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

I believe that leadership involves some communication skills in ALL cases. If you can not communicate well how can you expect to lead anyone. To be a leader one must have followers. To have followers one must be able to communicate well to convince the possible followers that you are capable of leading them. Many of the world's greatest leaders were not great because of their ideas but because they communicated very well. An example would be Hitler. He was a great leader with a negative agenda, but because he had good communication skills people did what he wanted them to do.

jenna said...

leadership skills definitely involve communication skills rather it is verbal or nonverbal....but there is definitely communication involved in leadership