In Tampa, Florida a 22 yr old woman who is 8 months pregnant was charged with a DUI on April 17th. She was seen swerving and crossing the center line while driving, so she was pulled over and given a field sobriety test. Police found marijuana in her car along with other drug paraphernalia. she failed the field sobriety test but refused a breathalyser and urine test. Police say there were obvious signs of impairment, so they took her back to the station. Tampa News did an interview with her at her house a few days after the incident and she still seemed really out of it and on something. This was her third offense for driving under the influence! She could face up to a year in prison. I think this is a really sad story; this woman is obviously irresponsible and yet she is going to be having a baby in about a month!! This story also angers me because I feel sorry for the kid she is going to have, she is not a responsible adult and may spend the first year of the baby's life in prison!
To see the video of her go to:
This is so sad, I would assume her child would die from all the alcohol, considering this is her third DUI. The worst part is that we talk about women who are childless or childfree. Women, who want children and who would love and care for them, instead women end up pregnant abusing their children and their right to be a mother.
I think this is a very sad story and it's hard to hear that it happens in real life. I think this is a very cruel thing for the mother to be doing to the baby. And where is the father is my question? Any father that cared about his baby would make sure nothing like this goes on. I think society often place the responsibility solely on the mom because that is there role women have. And of course it is the woman's role, but the father is equally responsible I feel. Why isn't he any part of this story??
Wow...people these days! Yeah, where is the stinkin' father!?!?! I would pray that someone would step in and say that this mother is a danger to her child, and remove the child from the situation. We can also pray that the baby isn't too affected and damaged by the mother's idiotic drug use.
This makes me sick to my stomach. There are women out there who can not have children, and here is a woman who is abusing her responsibility as a mother-to-be. She is not being just irresponsible. She is knowingly killing someone! If you are going to get pregnant, purposeful or not, you are then under full responsibility to take care of that child. If you don't want him when it is born than put him up for adoption. Just give the child a fair chance at a healthy life.
I also think this is a sad story and it seems so unfair to the unborn child. The mother is being so selfish and only thinking of herself.
To think that a mother who is just about to give birth would do such a thing is terrible. She was drunk and had marijuana in the car... which brings up another point: what was she doing behind a wheel in the first place?!? With two previous offenses for driving under the influence there should be no reason for her to be able to drive with a license in the first place. This is obviously a very unfit, inconsiderate, and selfish mother-to-be and should be investigated by social services before taking the child out of the hospital.
I think that this is sad. First what is going on in this womans life to drive her to drink so much? Second where is the father. He should be helping the woman though her pregnancy and not just standing on the sideline. While he may not be able care for the child right now he can help to care for the mother which is just as important. We as a society should put all of the blame for this drunk mother on mother, the father should be with her and help to care for his unborn child by preventing her from drinking.
And we as a society should be completely embarassed and sorry (to the point of trying to turn the time) that we have 'normalized' out-of-control use of alcohol and other substances and even sex outside of marriage -- sadly, I fear this story is just one of many in our society.
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