May 01, 2008

One Stall Rule

We all have heard about the nonverbal rule for men on how they are not supposed to stand next to another male when going to the bathroom. No one ever talks about why this is the way it is and why there has to be at least a stall between another man. It's never taught to a man that if there are three stalls and two are being used, you must wait until someone is done and then use their stall instead of the empty stall between them. Also, why is it that it is acceptable for women to go to the bathroom in groups, but when men go to the bathroom, they go alone? Why do we have different standards or rules for different genders when we all do the same exact thing in a restroom?


hotbod69 said...

Haha I know that is weird, and the funny thing is for guys it isnt weird at all for a line to start up when two of the three stalls are being used. and I mean line as in like two guys lol. sorry women lines for you is like what 10. anyways its just the conformity of all men to act the same. seriously who wants to be "that guy" who walks up to the empty stall.

skier10 said...

As a man, who more or less dosn't give a shit; (no pun intended) I've never been one to conform to that one stall policy. At the risk of getting slightly graphic, I think some men are shameful of their equipment, or are worried about a misfire, things of that nature. I always seem to get interesting looks however, when I do step into that empty stall, but isn't that what the toilets are for? Should I continue to inflict pain on my bladder to please the man to my right? I don't think so, but again I'm probably an exception.

AnnonymousCommBlogger380 said...

I have occasionally noticed this, but when the line starts building up (two or more guys) at things like sporting events this rule tends to get thrown out pretty quickly as everyone wants to get back to the game. I have a tendency to follow this rule when there are only a few guys and several stalls but I am not going to stand there waiting just because i can't leave an empty stall between me and the next guy.

55557 said...

HAHAHA, I think this is such a funny post. I am a woman and I think there are some things that are interesting about this post. As a female, if there is someone in a stall and there is a line of open ones I never choose to go into the stall next to theirs. I think that for both men and women, going to the bathroom is sort of a private thing. I mean, at least for women, we have stalls not matter what we are doing in there but seriously, would walk up to a stranger and show him or her your goods? Probably not, therefore, by giving some space you are respecting a little bit of the persons privacy.

frosticles said...

This is rather funny to me. Sounds like guys have more complicated bathroom rules than women do... who would've guessed. ;) To be honest though, I've always found it a little strange that men's bathrooms aren't completely made up of stalls like women's bathrooms are. Who thought of that idea? I mean, I'm sure it helps the lines not build up as much, but if a lot of guys apparently don't want to get 'too close' in the bathroom then why not just have all stalls?