May 01, 2008


Parental Advisory (or lack there of) has been in the news a lot recently. We have seen Myley Cyrus in her questionable photo shoot with her dad (; Brooke Hogan getting a rub down by her dad (; or the obviously inappropriate parental relationship of Josef Fritzl who held his daughter captive for 24 years, raped and fathered children with her (

It may be a sad reality that there are just some bad (and extremely bad in some cases) parents out there. However, as the media has also pointed out recently that all of these parental decisions were considered inappropriate. With that said, even potential minor misunderstandings like Hulk Hogan simply rubbing tanning lotion on his daughter - at what point should a parent realize their actions may be considered inappropriate while at the same time be more aware of the situations they are putting their children in that may be considered inappropriate? In addition, while it may be true that both Billy Ray and Hulk are made to look like bad fathers - what about the mothers? Is this just another gendering spotlight in the media because bad fathers make for better press then mothers?


Blogger372 said...

I think that the fathers were highlighted in the Cyrus and Hogan cases because they are the celebrity parents. However, I think naturally the media focuses on inappropriate father-daughter relationships because of the prevalence of pedophilia and child-like image of women in our culture.

The pictures of Hogan rubbing tanning oil on his daughter on her upper thigh as well as the photo of Miley and her father where his hand is near her exposed hip, portrays a very suggestive and inappropriate message. I think the media is focusing on this message because they are questioning why the parents do not recognize the potentially inappropriate messages that these images will send. Especially in the case with Cyrus, both the father and mother should have stopped the photos from running in the magazine, but you have to wonder if the reason they didn't is because they too buy into the media's stereotypical message of young girls needing to be highly sexualized in order to sell records and back through the barrier of transitioning from a teeny bopper pop star to a full fledged adult sensation.

sally sue said...

I feel that this is an issue today. Why would Billy Ray Cyrus let his 15 year old daughter pose like he did? What is wrong with parents today..why is there such a crase for children to grow up so fast. There is this aweful link with sexuality and stardome. I feel that this was a major mistake by the Cyrus' because she is known fo her childlike role in Hannah Montana and I feel that many parents are going to think a lot less of her and the show and not want their children to look up to her as a role model when she is going to these extremes!

kiwi1009 said...

I also think that fathers are the ones gaining more spotlight over the issue due to a man's actions towards girls. Let alone these be their own daughters. If I were Miley and Brooke I would be embarrassed to have my father touch me in such suggestive ways. Since when does a father's relationship become sexualized with their daughters and is publicized through the media?

Media's influence on our society is also something to keep in mind. Our society observes these images as wrong and tasteless, yet at the same time we're spending money on the magazines or taking the time to watch such videos and therefore we're giving the media what they want...publicity. So where does that put us as a whole in this specific situation?

nebhusker said...

I think the main fault in this is what the media chooses to portray and the influence it has on society. Granted some fathers have an interesting relationship with their daughter and choose to show it in disapproving ways. But, why does the media have to show EVERYTHING?? This portrayal affects little girls' views all over the nation. Miley has more followers than the Beattles! The media needs to be more sensitive with what they show! The other side is that Miley and Billy Ray should hold more responsibility on the image they reveal. She wouldn't want to repeat the sad route that most celebrities go down and ruin their reputations...

royaltenenbaum said...

To look at the other side of things, sex sells, and also those fathers, billy ray and Hulk Hogan are also fading in the public popularity eye. So to me it looks like they're doing what it takes to keep making money, and if that means exploiting your daughter for your monetary gain, well then I guess they're not holding back.

UNLstudent said...

I think that a lot of parents are in the spotlight when it comes to celebrities, I don't think it depends on what gender they are. For example, when Jamie Lynn Spears came to the media about her pregnancy her mother was the one in the spotlight, not her father. I think the media just looks for the stories, it doesn't matter if they are mothers or fathers.

AnnonymousCommBlogger380 said...

I do agree that a lot of this story has to do with spotlighting. These stories probably would not have been as big in the headlines had it read "Mother appplies tanning oil to Daughters skin". Rather the media has to push the stories as an older man being with a young woman in a more sexual way.
I do agree that some things should be thought about more beforehand, such as the posing half nude of a fifteen year old, but the image of hulk with his daughter, that may be just blown out of proportion.

baseball1 said...

I think that parental advisory lacks now a days, but at the same time, I believe these situations were singled out becasue of their celeb status. Parents make mistakes all the time, but they are highlighted in Hollywood. It is unrealistic to think others make mistakes. I know girls in my high school who let their boyfriends take nude photos of them and they got passed around post break up and they were humilitated. This is on such a small scale compared to celebritied, it's not made as well known but equally embarassing. And I believe that Miley Cyrus knows she was in the wrong and feel responsible for being a role model for young girls. This is a mistake she learned from and will make better decisions in the future.

classblogger said...

I feel like Cyrus and Hogan should both be ashamed of what they did in photos and in life. They have such a great opportunity to show what a great father really is and they have to mess it up by one small move. Maybe people are reading too far into things, but why risk it and look perverted. I know sex sells and I agree with that, but no one wants to see inappropriate father/daughter pictures. These people are supposed to be role models. In addition, the mothers in both cases should have been involved and should know and have control over things to know if something fishy is going on or if inappropriate things are being fabricated by the media.

frosticles said...

And what about the dad shown on the Tyra show that helped put his eighteen year old daughter into the porn business!?!? Honestly, the media may jump all over these types of inappropriate father-daughter stories, but at other times women are certainly covered as well... i.e. the mothers at the Mormon compound in Texas, the mom who killed her kids by drowning them in a bathtub, and older/richer women who date younger men (Dr. Phil just ran a segment on it).