May 01, 2008

Pregnant women in YOUR workplace

I know we talked about being childless and childfree in class and how it affects both the person with kids and without the kids. We talked in class about how sometimes the people without kids are affected by the people with kids. I am starting to feel some reprocussions of people with kids in my workplace. I feel like I am almost discriminated against in some ways because I don't have kids. I know it's kind of how things work out sometimes, but it is annoying. Like I always work closing shifts so the mom's can be home to put the kids to bed. My boss is pregnant and we have to be careful of mood swings and tempers. I feel bad to be complaining about these things, but I feel like it's not fair to me on the other end of the spectrum having to deal with this. It's different when we are learning about this in class compared to actually living in the situation. Anyone else have stories about how they are childfree and feel pressure of pregnant women or mothers in your workplace?


So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

I can see both sides of this story. As a single mother of a 15 month old, I appreciate that those who don't have children work the late shifts. Children grow up so fast and you don't want to miss anything. I would rather work while my child is sleeping so that I could be with her while she is awake but then it is really hard to find someone to watch her while I am at work. I think childcare is the main reason that childfree/less people are stuck closing because it is very difficult to find childcare that doesn't charge extra for after 6pm and that is reliable.

nebhusker said...

I am currently in the job hunt and am specifically looking for a job where I am granted full benefits for maternity leave. My friend just moved to Grand Island with her husband and four months after taking a job she found out that the company was going to be very difficult with working towards a plan for maternity leave. This is something that I am going to try and avoid by doing my research ahead of time.

jenna said...

I have actually never been in this situation but I totally understand where you are coming from. Although you want to be understanding of mothers and their children, who should you be punished because you don't have children?

sally sue said...

I have actually been in a similar situation with a pregnant boss and as much as you want to be understanding it does really suck sometimes.

55557 said...

I agree with the fact that this would be very frustrating. It sort of reminds me of a SATC episode where Carrie goes to a baby shower and her shoes are stolen. Therefore, she questions why she should have to spend all of this money on baby showers and wedding showers when she herself has never, and might never experience those things. She then throws herself a shower to have her "friend" buy her her shoes again.

Kind of random and off topic but I thought it shows that things can be unfair for those who are childfree or have chosen to remain single.