May 01, 2008

Text Message Breakup

The famous Youtube video "Text Message Breakup" may seem hilarious and completely absurd, but what are the underlying issues dealing with the video? In the video, Kelly, the young woman, receives a text message from her boyfriend notifying her that their relationship has ended. After reading the text message, Kelly goes completely berserk and goes out on the town as a way to express her anger and aggression towards her boyfriend.

After watching the video I was completely appalled by the images being portrayed. First off, text messaging has become one of the most popular forms of communication for both males and females. Text messaging contains only the bare essentials for communication as it can be written one way, but can be interpreted a completely other way due to the fact that there is no verbal communication or ways to read off facial expressions. Has text messaging become a social norm and allows people to confront problems or issues in such way that it is completely not intimate? The video portrays the idea that it is socially acceptable for a man to break up with his girlfriend in a non-personal and downright cold way. Today’s society has made it acceptable and extremely easy for both men and women to confront problems without being face-to-face. Does society need to rethink the highly popular method of nonverbal communication?

The video also shows Kelly going completely berserk after reading the message and thus showing her outrage by going out on the town. Has it become socially acceptable for a woman to react to a breakup in a manner like this? Is it more acceptable for a woman to react this way more so than if a man would react to a breakup by yelling and screaming?


classblogger said...

First of all, I think that society thinks that all women act this way if they are broken up with. I think that women are always considered the "crazy" ones. They worry about everything, always want to talk, and yell and scream if they're broken up with. I think that things are taken completely out of proportion in most cases. I don't think society views this as normal for guys to do, but sometime they act the same way as girls are portrayed.

The other thing that is notable is the fact of text messaging as a form of communication. My mom HATES texting and sometimes I can see why. Like we've talked about, there is only one way to write something and so many ways to interpret it. While texting can be a tool in life it can also hurt communication. Like my mom says, you don't ever know who is on the other line, what they really meant to say, or how they mean it.

jenna said...

text messaging is a really impersonal way of communicating. I use it often and find it very convenient but there are some conversations that need to happen face to face...and this is one of them. Also, society thinks that girls always freak out and go crazy after a break up. It seems as though she is going to crazy after a break up because she can't live without a man. When we continue to portray women this way, like they have to have a man or they are nothing and go crazy, that is what we are telling children and the cycle will continue.

nebhusker said...

I agree that text messaging is an informal and avoidant route of communicating. It is the most impersonal communication used today and has removed a lot of the "richness" and relationship building that other forms of communication provide. For example, I can't remember the last time I got asked on a date in person or even over live phone conversation! Sad! It is a total cop-out texting a girl an important question that should be taking place in person. I feel sorry for the woman who had to endure a breakup over text. I would absolutely die. I think more traditionally when it comes to proper communication and texting important things such as a breakup or date, is ridiculous and unacceptable.

BUZZ said...

Remember the "post it" break up on Sex and the City...Impersonal much. Hell yes this crap is impersonal and I don’t know why people think it is okay to do. I have a freeing who was broken up with through text. This was guy on guy break up so what does it say about male communication. And to the question at the end of the original post no it wouldn’t be okay for a guy to act like that but if it were a gay guy than by all means go for it is what I feel people think. But truly if you want to yell and scream then do so. Screw it what sex you are do what you darn well please.

So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

I think that women are almost expected to get all upset and go berserk when they get dumped. While men are expected to not show much emotion because of a breakup. I think it is bad that text messaging has become the new way to break up with someone. I personally would be more upset that I was dumped via a text message than actually being dumped.