A friend of mine was asking me whether or not I think Aliens would be asexual. He told me he thinks that developed beings would have evolved out of their genders (which are the root of so much negativity and time-wasting differences/arguments) and that reproduction would be strictly asexual.
I laughed, told him to put the drink down and said i could see his point, only the Aliens would have to be gender-neutral and have some crazy science fiction monotone non-gender specific voice. Then as he left, I was thinking about all the change and effects that would come into society if we did indeed breed assexually and if mannerisms, voice tones, words and all and any gender related item in socialization and societies was gone suddenly.
Chances are, no one would be talking to anyone hahaha. Just a weird drunk conversation that lead to some very suprising and theoretica realizations.
I agree a VERY interesting drunk conversation, but a valid point. I think the things we have learned to our class point the "neutral" things in our society to be more biased towards men. For example, as we discussed in class when you are talking to a mixed gender group of people, people usually address them as "hey guys..." or as in the spanish language, things are conjugated mostly into the masuline tense and very rarely into the feminine. So what would make me think that an alien language, voice tone and appearnce, as weird as it is to think about would be gendered bias to male?
I too agree that this is an interesting point. If we were all asexual the world would come to an end. Not to preach or spread my own beliefs but i guess I was always taught that the whole point of us being here is to reproduce and have our children reproduce, and their children reproduce, and so on. It is all a part of the life cycle. However, what happens if people were to be asexual? We wouldn't have any sexual attraction towards one another and thus would halt from reproduction. How would we continue the human race? Through cell reproduction? I suppose if we were all created in a petry dish we could all be asexual. I think this is really creepy to even consider!
I agree in thinking this is a very creepy concept. Although we have discussed how there are big problems with gender and how gender can be judged in our society, we have men and women, and that is how we function in everyday life. I think that if everyone was assexual, the world would be turned upside down. Think about everything from families, shopping, boy and girl rooms, sports bars, and entertainment. The upside is that it would be hard to be biased bc no one would exactly have a gender...
I think that this would make for an interesting place. We could still use the phrase "hey guys", but it would no longer apply to a particular gender. This would also decrease the amount of gender bias in the workplace as everyone would be the same. The sad thing is unless the attitude of people changed as well, bias would still exist. It would probably appear in a different way, maybe height or race bias instead.
While an assexual race may be good for removing gender bias. I think that it would cause problems for the human race. It would be much harder for a whole body to just divide and become two than it is for a single celled organism. It would also mean that everyone would look the same as everyone else as they would just be copies of eachother. Or we could always become sexed like plants that have male and female reproductive parts.
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