Here is more information about the polygamists in Texas. I have been keeping up with the information mostly because I am shocked and intrigued by their lifestyle. Originally the women denied that sexual abuse took place at their ranch and that all married women were older than 18. Apparently a young woman who is younger than 18 gave birth today. This girl along with others that had children claimed they were adults and with further investigation the authorties discovered that 31 were in fact still minors. CNN said that generally, anyone who is under 18 can not legally consent to sexual activity. So here we are stuck in a bind. This group of people truly believes in certain gender roles. They believe that the man is the head of the household and they depend on him for everything. The women take care of the children and the home. The women in this society do not think there is anything wrong with their polygamous relationships or the fact that these girls are being forced to marry at such a young age. I think this is gender violence. I only wonder if these girls are being forced to have sex so young because of the mens' own sick pleasures or because they feel they need to start families this young. This is also sexual abuse in my mind. What do you guys think? Is it appropriate for these young women to be giving birth to the children of men that are clearly twice their age?
Absolutly not, I think that there is nothing appropriate about this lifestyle. I understand polygamy use to be part of a religion and that although these people are joined in union religiously, the state and government does not legally recognize these marriages. It made me think about what we talked about in class how it is unfair for gay and lesbians or people who are together for long-term relationships but not married and how they don't receive the same benefits in terms of insurance or healthcare. However, I think this is completly different because the people that are being forcced into these marriages are as young as 13. It is a lifestyle that most of them are born in to and know no different. It is sad to me that they are raised in a commune and have no idea what lies outside those walls. I think communes, such as these, should be outlawed in order for kids who are born into this lifestyle to have the opportunity to get out of there if they want to.
I think that the marrying and impregnating of the young girls is an intimidation tactic, by the older males. It is another way for them to exert control over them, by them being reliant on the men after they have had children and need the support of their families. I think it is sad that they have no contact with the outside world and don't have an understanding of how things work and should be working. They believe in what they are doing( the younger ones), perhaps because they have seen no other way and have been programmed by those in control that this is the only way. I think that the vast number of underage girls that are pregnant or have already given birth is a big indicater of how things are really run in this sect. Thy can have the (older) women get on tv and spin their stories, but babies are having babies, and that's just wrong.
Because this story has been i the news so frequently lately, I have I guess been questioning my own position on the matter. I really struggle with how to think about the polygamist lifestyle. Because on one hand I believe that it is inherently wrong and sexual abuse and manipulation of under age females who are emotionally and sexually underdeveloped.
However, do we just believe it's wrong because that's how we have been raised, because many of these girls trul believe that their lifestyle is a righteous one. Much like our invasion of Iraq and our desire to change thelifestyle of women there it seems as though we are forcing the majority culture on these people who have a religious lifestyle they believe in.
I think this will remain a major issue for the state and national government as they sort through the statutory (sp?) rape laws in place versus the religion of an entire sect of people.
This is a really tough one to judge. In terms of the majority of "our" upbringing, then yes it is wrong. It is illegal to be married by such a young age, it's typically illegal to marry your cousin, and sex with a minor is illegal. There should be no question that these actions are all wrong by "our" standards.
However, like others have mentioned based on their lifestyles and beliefs then these actions are not inherently wrong or bad. Throughout history many religious groups have used polygamy to grow their numbers as well as getting married young. While I personally disagree with their lifestyle, it's hard for me to impose my lifestyle on them.
I do agree that their should be some way of determining whether these women were truly forced by physical or psychological means to get married and have sex at such an early age. At some point, these communes get started by men AND women that believe in these values.
Sadly, this country was founded on the idea of religious freedoms and personal liberties. Do the actions of a few have to result in potential laws that may indirectly harm the freedoms the majority believe in?
I absolutely do not think that it is ok for these young girls to be forced to marry or have sex with these old men. Both this and the previous story are things that blow my mind that they could be going on in htis day and age. WHat is wrong with people? Also, yes I too believe that this is sexual abuse. These young girls don't know any different so maybe they think there is nothing wrong with it...but there is!
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