April 06, 2008

Violence against women



I find it absolutely amazing that this can happen in 2008. Why is it that these little girls are being tortured and forced to act as women. The article and video spoke about girls being forced into marriage as young as 13. As soon as these girls are able to produce babies that is what they are expected to be doing. There were 130 or so children taken off of this ranch and 50 women. I do not think that anyone has the right to live a lifestyle that degrades and abuses women. I don't think they should be allowed to be left by their selves just because it is their religion...which in some cases is how these societies continue to function. I am at a loss for words with this topic. What do you guys think about what happened in Texas? It has been on the news lately so I am sure some of you have heard about it.


Jessica said...

It's absolutely sickening. Sadly, I bet things like this happen more than we realize. Maybe not on such a large scale, but I don't think it's terribly uncommon to have extremist groups that abide by rules that we as normal society members find absurd.

Sarah R said...

This cult "religion" gets away with far too much in America. Not only do they have many polygamist (which is against the law - lest we forget!) families and abuse rampant throughout the south west the law enforcement looks the other way. This is another example of society letting gendered violence happen because it's a "family issue" or perhaps people just don't want to admit that these groups exist. I know Dr. Phil made a big fuss about it a few years ago (not that I believe he has much credibility) but other than that you don't hear about people in groups like the fundamentalist latter day saints being prosecuted for their actions. And I think, especially after news articles like this, that we know these things are occurring but we just aren't stopping it.

ThursNiteSoundtrack said...

That is absolutely terrible! I can’t believe that anyone could look the other way on something like this. It seems clear enough to me that something must be done. No one should have to live like that. I agree with “tigerlily” completely. I think that is a perfect example of society enabling the abuse because it’s a “family issue”.

Ashley said...

I made a post about polygamy and its opposite, polandry. It is wrong. I do think that adults should be allowed to do as they want, but it is wrong that children are being brought up to practice this lifestyle also. They do not seem to have a choice. I disagree with the people who believe it is wrong to have taken the children away from their parents. BUT when any other parent in America is guilty of crimes, especially those affecting their children, (like drugs), they will be removed and placed in alternative care. That is the way our legal system works. Those children have been raised in an unhealthy environment. So they should be taken out of it.

jenna said...

when i heard about this I was just disgusted. They keep saying that this is their religion and that is why these women/children do this. But these children have been raised in this and so they know no different so they continue to go along with it..I think that they are in a sense brainwashed to think that this in normal and this is what you are good for....to be married to an older man and give him lots of sex and babies...

baseball1 said...

I agree, it's very disturbing that this could happen in 2008. How could this go on with no one knowing? That is the worst part. These poor people, I can't believe there were 160 people being questioned about abuse. That is an enormous amount of humans to torture.