May 01, 2008

Barbara Walters: I had affair with U.S. senator

Well this seemed like an interesting twist. An affluent high-profile media person that comes forward about an affair with a married person...and this high-profile media person was a woman this time. I am just curious how the women in the class feel about this. For most men, it's almost expected for high-profile male role models having moments of infidelity or moment/s of questionable act/s. Now years later after the fact, Barbara Walters, who is arguably a very strong female role model comes forth. In addition, there is another twist to this affair in that it crossed racial boundaries - she was having an affair with an African-American Senator. In my opinion, I could care less about who Barbara Walters or anyone else for that matter had an affair with (regardless of the race issue too). But, I am apparently in the minority since CNN felt this was news worthy. With that said, do you feel it's worth the continued press of successful people's lives made public when it's about scandalous affairs? Also, I am curious what opinions people in class have if this situation was reversed and it was someone like Peter Jennings having an affair with a woman in the Senate - would it make headlines and/or would it be an even bigger story?


baseball1 said...

I don't feel like this should be an issue becasue of race - but I understand it is. I have taken a race class and the issue is still as prevalent today and racism still exsists. People live in a bubble and want to believe it doesn't, but it is just more covert. It exsists and it is sad that publicity comes out of the issue because of race not the situation?

Barbara Walters is a very public figure and is looked up to by many. It is defenitely shocking and does not represent her well. My hope is that one day we will live in a society where cheating does not exsist.

royaltenenbaum said...

I'm kind of on the fence. Every case of infidelity in the media that is from the male spectrum is looked at but over and done with quite quickly. As sad as it is to say, high profile men are quickly forgiven as it is supposed to come with part of their job. Barbara Walters on the other hand is the only one in my recent memory to be female and have a sex scandal case. I guess i haven't heard about this yet, but I can only assume this is going to get blown up in the media for having a woman we so fully trust with stories and our news to become a negative role model for women. A quick side note,was anybody thinking Obama?

So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

I think this would be just as big of a story if it was a male media person. I agree with baseball1 that it is a big story not because it was a woman having an affair but that it was with someone of a different race. There is so much racism in the world its not even funny. I see/hear something racist every day.

classblogger said...

I am a little bit saddened to hear this story. I think that Barbara Walters is such a strong woman figure in the world today. I just look differently upon a person, male or female, no matter what the race, if they cheat. I wish that this didn't happen because Barbara Walters is someone that women can look up to because of her strength and courage. She has done so much to break through the "glass ceiling" that we talked about in class. She hit the broadcasting world hard and has gone into what used to just be a man's world and taken her spot on the top.

jenna said...

I think that cheating is such a huge deal and very irresponsible and it is becoming so common these days that it just doesn't seem to shock people any more.

UNLstudent said...

Well this whole issue reminds me of the Monica Lewinsky's scandal with Bill Clinton. I think the whole reason that love affairs make such big news is because the pubic feeds off of the juicy love stories gone bad. Especially when it has to do with politics. People like to know that celebrities aren't perfect either and when it comes to sex scandals, they make front page news.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute about the media making this such a big deal, she brought it up. No one else suddenly found out about this affair that happened more than 30 years ago except that she felt a need to tell on herself. Also I understand that the senator has said "no comment". Why did she feel a need to spill the beans now, to sell her new book? In an Oprah interview no less.
So the fact that the media has pounced on the story I don't think is so much that she is female, but also such a high profile media figure, one that seemed to hold herself above scandal and the fact that it was an inter-racial relationship with another high profile, public figure.
Yes our society even today views inter-racial relationships in a negative light by many, I know I am bracial. My mother always gets asked what "color" of a peson do my brother and I date. Wow, in this day and age does it really matter, to some it must.

frosticles said...

My roommate and I were talking about this after watching the Oprah episode with Barbara Walters. Of course the media is all over it... it's Barbara Walters for heavens sake. While I don't admire or respect the affair, I do understand that Barbara Walters is every bit as human, vulnerable, and capable of doing wrong as the rest of us.

In general I think it is too bad that our society treats cheating, infidelity, and adultery as no big deal. This may offend some people or come across as primitive, but what about getting a little harsher on stuff like this and go back to treating it like a crime (regardless of the gender that commits the offense).