May 01, 2008

Spring clothing choices

One thing that is hindering some women's communicative effectiveness is one aspect of their non-verbal communication--their choice of clothing. When the spring and summer seasons come along, the clothing choices for many women get more and more scandalous.

It is important to understand that people's impressions of women are not based soley on her verbal communication, but also on her nonverbal communication. Some people may interpret those short shorts as "I'm easy". You may think I am a chauvinistic pig for saying that, but think about it: Would you show up for a job interview in your pajamas? You need to dress for the impression that you want people to have of you, both in social and professional situations. The same can be said for men, but it is much less common for men to wear revealing clothing than takes away from his professionalism. So, in short, be mindful of what you wear. You are always communicating, wheather it is verbally with your speech or nonverbally with your gestures or clothing choices.


skier10 said...

I agree with most of that. Presenting yourself well, and appropriately is important in any context. However, I think you have to look into it deeper. Given, often times girls do wear the skimpy clothing for attention, not that attention is bad, unless its for the wrong reasons. In essence, as observers I think we should be more careful and reserved in judging what women/men wear. Perhaps dressing in a certain way makes that woman feel confident in herself, and if it isn't so sexually obtrusive, then as her audience we should be glad she feels good about herself. The same goes for me. Just you some discretion before you jump to conclusions about someone's appearance. Appealing, but tasteful is a good way to approach it.

55557 said...

I agree with this post as well. However, it depends on the mood of the person who is fresing that way. Sometimes I might want to dress sexy but that doesn't make me a slut. It might make someone think that I am but it doesn't make it true.

nicko said...

I see exactly wht you are saying. Some girls wear these little outfits in order to get a date...guess what ladies it doesn't always work like that. There are men out there who want a woman who will respect her body and be a poised polite indiviual. If they wear these little outfits then others will be looking at them as well. That's not what they want.

NEfan77 said...

I agree with all the responses that state that women should present themselves well and appropriately, I completly agree with that and think that this message is lacking in our society . So many times we turn on the tv and see scantally clad women parading around in the shortest shorts known to man and a top that is barely covering anything, but I also think that there should be a certain respect level from others that if a women feels comfortable enough with herself why not let her wear what she wants. I think it goes back to the fact that it is all about the way our culture has raised us from the very young age and it is frusterating. In some countries, being naked is totally normal and not weird at all so I just don't know why we have to go around labeling women "sluts" because they show more skin. I agree there is a time and place when people should be aware of what they are wearing but I think that someimtes we are just too judgemental of a society.

frosticles said...

A good dose of discernment for what's appropriate and when would be a good thing for our culture and society. You can't only point the finger at women's clothing lines though. I personally can't stand the fad for guys sagging their pants and showing off their butt crack and boxers. By far, not all guys do this, but neither do all girls make poor dress choices.