May 01, 2008

OnStar, How can I help you?

“OnStar, How can I help you.” What a great thing we have in our mitts. Do we really know what else OnStar is used for. Oh…well let’s think about it for a second… Okay so my vehicle can be found anywhere at any time. I can be given guided directions meaning they can track my movement. This is the best thing ever for me the marketing consultant. I know where you go, when you go, and you’re demographic (from when you purchased the vehicle)

What happens to my OnStar when I am not in need of it, which is most of the time? Who has access to it and what is that information used for. Is this not hegemonic? OnStar is sold to me as this great thing! When I get into an accident I can be found and helped. Because I will be driving in the wilderness most of the time where no one will see me…Um not the case most of the time people are driving during the day and during rush hour at that. That’s right just in case all those other drives didn’t see you get side swiped OnStar is sending someone to assist you. If I am lost they can find me and tell me where to go…get a GPS does the same thing with out the invasion of your privacy. Oh yeah and they can find my vehicle when it gets stolen. You mean IF it gets stolen.

I am sorry but it really freaks me out how everyone has bought into this OnStar is such a great thing and it’s so helpful to us. Have you bought into the lie? Do you allow them to know where you are driving and when you are doing so? What intersections you go through so McDonalds now knows where to put its next location after is purchased the information from OnStar about you and millions of other people. I ask you to kept seeing OnStar as a great thing for you so I can make money off you by invading your privacy and selling that information once I start at OnStar and hegemonicly encourage you to believe it’s such a good thing for you, since you get lost, in accidents, and lock you keys in the car all the time.


So There I Was...ThouDEEPght said...

Have you also noticed that the commercials are usually of women. As if to subtly say that you can keep track of her at all times, you can always know where your "property" is. It is also showing that only women are not smart enough to find where they are going by reading a map, men don't need Onstar because they are smart and know how to get somewhere without being told.

UNLstudent said...

I guess I have never looked at OnStar with your perspective, but I see where you are coming from. That is actually really creepy, I thought all that information was private? If they give out that information, that is really disturbing. The only time I have observed OnStar being used was when my friend locked her keys in her car (they are suppose to be able to unlock it via satellite) and it didn't work! They had to call a locksmith, who turned out to be incredibly creepy and unprofessional. So why pay all this money when it doesn't even work when you need it? I agree, it seems like a waste of money.

jenna said...

like some of the other bloggers I have never really thought of on star this way, but I totally see your point. it is rather creepy to think that they know where you are at all times and where you drive and when you are driving...kinda weird...but I guess that one time you need the help it would be really helpful

AnnonymousCommBlogger380 said...

The other thing that I have noticed with these commercials is that it is always women working for Onstar. Just kind of pushing the stereotype that men are not very good at communicating and telling you how to do things.

BUZZ said...

jazz247, there you go letting hegemonic OnStar take hold of you again at the end of your post. Just keep telling yourself its good for you.